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Why Do Consumers Want Purpose-Driven Brand | 101

3 min readAug 18, 2022


When we search on Google “purpose-driven brands” it quickly carries into one high-pitch that focuses on the brand responsibility with a core mission. A mission that exceeds the service or product level that a brand offer. It is where the brand survival is up for meeting the social requirements or solving the common problem.

Most marketers believe that a purpose-driven brand is far beyond the brand with a traditional mission statement. While other thinks that the purpose happens with a bubble of business existence. But why do customers want a purpose-driven brand? Or why do they want a brand with values? Did you know why? Let’s take a deep dive into purpose-led organizations.

In this digital realm, purpose-driven brands have sophisticated productivity and ROIs. Besides that, they satisfy their staff to stay loyal to the brands. These brands have more innovations and high employee retention rates than the rest brands.

Why Do Purpose-Driven Companies Perform Better?

Every brand has its mission and values, but do you think every brand has its purpose? Because a brand with a top-notch purpose is the only one that can take the accountability to share its aim. The main aim goes beyond the level of product or service they offer.

It is where the brand presence is established to fulfill the audience’s need or solve the problem. It can come up in their brand mission statement, visual existence of company strategic goals, operational processes, brand culture, and so on.

Why do Consumers Want Brands With Values?

Every 90 out of 100 consumers not only want the convenience and the saving factor. But they like to buy from the brands associated with their values or purpose. So, outlining your brand value lets you build a strong bond with your target audience and the customers. It helps to keep your brand unique, and authentic and lift your brand consistency throughout all the communication, sales, and marketing channels.

Meet Top Purpose-driven Brands 2022

It is well-defined that today the audiences only see where the brand stands out. Companies like Seventh Generation, Zoom, Wegmans, USAA, Tesla, Google, Pfizer, LG, Clorox, General Electric, Toyota, and Roche have gained remarkable existence with their purpose.

Now let’s elaborate on one or two examples of some top purpose-driven brands 2022, which have built the opportunity to perform with top-notch goods and services.


One of the top sports and sneakers brands, Nike has focused on the purpose of endorsing equality in not only the sports sectors but far beyond all the arenas. It has partnered with ‘Colin Kaepernick, who also has a significant purpose to succeed the brand via the website, marketing language, and brand practices as well.


Another top brand like Dove is on a significant purpose to expand the self-confidence of every girl and woman. Dove has put on remarkable efforts via their promotional image, social media channels, content, and goods that maintain its brand message.

Pro Tips To Balance Purpose-Driven Strategy With Business Demands

Let’s keep these pro tips in mind to maintain higher purpose with the business goals and needs:

  • Get your audience involved with your brand mission.
  • Keep an eye on business flexibility.
  • Make sure to run your business as a business.
  • Get aid for the right people at the right place.
  • Effectively share your brand impact.

Wrap Up

In this digital world full of options, most brands realistically lead with a significant purpose. To find new pathways and offer value to their audiences and the brand community. Along with its purpose, being efficient in how they impact society and tell their stories with human empathy, most companies are overtaking their competitors and send-off the efficient mark on everyone they interact with.




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